Al-Bareeq Jewellery Trading Company regards all sales as final, and hence cannot accept any items for exchange or credit.
We strive to provide you with the best shopping experience by partnering with highly reliable companies for delivering your favorite products. Rest assured, we have chosen these partners carefully and are dedicated to supporting you if any issues arise with your orders.
Product Defects
We do not accept returns or exchanges unless the item you purchased is defective. If you receive a defective item, please contact us at with details of the product and the defect. We will inform you of where to send the product to. Notification of such a defect should be made within one week of receipt of the item, and will be deemed as defective by an email from us entitling you to such a refund.
Products returned due to defect upon receipt will be refunded in full or replaced with the same product, including a refund of delivery charges for sending the item back to us.
Notification of such a defect should be made within one week of receipt of the item, and will be deemed as defective by an email from us entitling you to such a refund.
Refunds will be made using the same method originally used for purchase and should arrive within of 30 days of notification of the refund.
Refunds do not include any shipping and handling charges shown on the packaging slip or invoice. Shipping charges for all returns must be prepaid and insured by you. You are responsible for any loss or damage to hardware during shipment. We do not guarantee that we will receive your returned item. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. Any amounts refunded will not include the cost of shipping.